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The Packages

The Annual Rates


(1 Town)

(5 Towns)

(10 Towns)

(20 Towns)

(A State)




This package includes one line of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes two lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes three lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes four lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes five lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes six lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes seven lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.

The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes eight lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


This package includes nine lines of text in the category of your choice. These lines of text can be linked or non-linked.
The Font Size is Standard.








(Please Call to Order)


An example of how the above packages work:


If a business wants package 1, it would be $10 per town until they reach (or select a total of) 5 towns, then they would receive a slightly discounted rate. Their price would be $45 (or $9 per town).


The first business in the category will receive the above rate at 50% off of their annual price.


* (M.S.) – Major Sponsor – A spot on the home page and includes the U.S. package.




All of the packages below are “add-on” packages. They are not required. You will be prompted to select or not select any of these packages as you proceed through check-out.



The Packages

The Annual Rates


(1 Town)

(5 Towns)

(10 Towns)

(20 Towns)

(A State)




Category Picture: Your business would obtain the rights to the only picture on the category page. The picture will be placed in the bottom right hand corner similar to what the example shows. Since only one company per category can purchase this package, it will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.








(Please Call to Order)


Town Video: Your business would obtain the rights to the only 15 second video on the town page. The video would be placed on the town’s main page which makes this a very exclusive offer. Since only one company per town can purchase this package, it will be offered on a first- come-first-serve basis.








(Please Call to Order)


Map: A google map showing the location of your business based on the address you provide will become available as a clickable link underneath your line(s) of text in your listing. The map will display as a small new browser window near your listing.

Free with any other “add-on” purchase.



360º Panoramic Picture: A 360º display of any room or outdoor facility can be purchased and will become available as a clickable link underneath your line(s) of text in your listing. The 360º view will display as a small new browser window near your listing. You may upload finished projects in MOV format only.








(Please Call to Order)


General Info: A paragraph consisting of a generous amount of characters can be purchased and will become available as a clickable link underneath your line(s) of text in your listing. The general info paragraph will display as a small new browser window near your listing.








(Please Call to Order)


Audio Ad: A short audio of your business can be purchased and uploaded which will become available as a clickable link underneath your line(s) of text in your listing. The Audio Ad will display as a small new window near your listing.








(Please Call to Order)


All of the packages below are specialized add-on packages and promotions. They are not required. You will be prompted to select or not select any of these packages as you proceed through check-out.




The Packages

The Annual Rates

Number of Spots Reserved











Coupons: Purchasing this add-on package generates a clickable link that will be available underneath your line(s) of text in your listing. This link will take you to where your first coupon appears among all the others in that town. The users will have another way to access your coupons by clicking “Coupons Around Town” link located in the top right section of the town’s page. Nine coupons will be displayed per page.











National Coupons: This is a separate feature. These coupons can be accessed from the Life Around Town home page. Users will not have to search through the site and find a store in or near their town. This feature would be primarily used by companies that conduct nationwide business and their coupon deals would be valid no matter where the merchant lives. Nine coupons will be displayed per page.











National Classified Ads: Access to browse is free.

The ability to post in any category (once per day) is $8 per year. This is a separate fee from the National Coupons.


Special Promotion: (Font Bold Program) Life Around Town uses local prizes to help reward the winners of the Wild Around Town Grand Opening Fundraiser. Life Around Town supplies a very large monetary prize to the winners of this contest. Every business that wants to be a part of this fundraiser and donate five $5 gift certificates to their place of business will receive a large font for their text ad. Upon receipt of these gift certificates, Life Around Town will adjust your font to bold in your ad. Your business will be prompted to select or not select this option during check-out. Our address will be provided and it will be a separate transaction from the check-out.


Custom Coupon Design: Our web designer is very skilled and can create various types of designs from scratch.

If your business is in need of a custom coupon design, please give us a call at

(856) 334-2004.


Website: Our web designer is very skilled and can create various types of designs from scratch.

If your business doesn’t have a website and would like one, give us a call at (856) 334-2004. The prices and plans can vary depending on your needs.

** Exciting Note: All lines of text and all types of coupons can not only be updated at any time, they can also be preprogrammed to change at any designated time(s). Simply log into your account and upload what you want to be displayed and when you want it.