Home Maine Androscoggin County Danville Shout around town FAQs
Example Town: Danville
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Welcome to the Shout Around Town FAQs Page



How can our school/organization get involved?



Our team will be venturing from city to city.  However, if you would like to be proactive and get something started in your town, please contact our customer service department.


(856) 334 - 2004



How long do the pictures and messages stay up on the web site?



Indefinitely.  The pictures and messages for each town are archived at the end of the year to make way for repeating the event the following year.



How do you keep the content safe?



While we are human and may miss some things, all pictures and text is uploaded to an "approval page".  They sit on the approval page until a staff member at Life Around Town approves the content allowing for it to be posted to the site.



What if I want a picture taken down after the fundraiser has ended?



Funds will have already been distributed, so we wouldn't be able to offer a refund at that point, however, by contacting us, we will honor your request to remove the picture.